Cesar Martinez

Cesar Martinez

President, Open World

Cesar Martinez is the President of Open World, the leading gaming management and advisory firm. Open World consults and advises organizations on how best to connect with Gen Z audiences through creators, gaming culture, lifestyle, and gaming ecosystems. Cesar oversees Open World’s studio, which is focused on creating inclusive game-tainment.

Cesar is a multicultural entertainment and digital executive with almost two decades of experience. He is a passionate champion of cross-cultural voices and brands. Cesar has spent the last 10 years leading growth strategies, monetization, and transformation as Chief Revenue Officer for the two leading Latino youth consumer-facing brands, mitu, and Remezcla. Prior to joining mitu, Cesar was Vice President of Multicultural at Live Nation Entertainment, where he established their first Multicultural Partnership division.

Cesar is a proud Los Angeles native and a product of the Los Angeles public school system. After living in New York for several years, Cesar returned to Los Angeles where he resides with his wife and baby son.


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