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Donate By Mail or Phone

Click here for details on how to send a check, dedicate your donation, or make a gift over the phone.

Monthly Giving

Join other recurring donors and know you are making a difference all year long. Click the “Donate Monthly” box on the donate page – Donate here

Planned Giving

Click here to learn how a donation may fit into your financial, tax, or estate goals.

Memorial & Honor Giving

Make a donation to pay tribute to someone whose life has been positively impacted by music. Check the box for “Dedicate my donation in honor or in memory of someone”on the donation page – Donate here

Employee Giving Programs

Click here to learn how your employer can help you donate and volunteer.

Donate Cryptocurrency

You can give a gift of crypto currency. For more information, please email [email protected].

Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs)

Contact us so we can assist you and your financial advisor on how to use your donor advised fund (DAF) to make a donation.

Gifts of Appreciated Securities

You can give a gift of stock, mutual funds or bond. By using appreciated securities to fulfill your contribution, you may be able to receive tax benefits. For more information including transfer instructions, please email .

Combined Federal Campaigns

Click here to learn about the largest workplace charity program for federal employees.

Donate With PayPal (no fees)

When you donate through PayPal Giving Fund, all fees are covered by Paypal. Click here to make your donation.

Pledge Your Birthday

Ask for donations instead of gifts by pledging your birthday today here.


Donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases on Amazon to Save The Music by clicking here.

Pro Tip: Make it even easier by using the internet browser extension MakeMeSmile which automatically helps ensure that your Amazon purchase will be correctly attributed to the AmazonSmile charity of your choice.

Start A Fundraiser

Learn how you can start a fundraiser online and have all funds go directly toward Save The Music.

eBay for Charity

eBay for Charity is a perfect way to allocate a portion of your proceeds to Save The Music when you want to sell something. Check out all the folks who are selling goods to benefit Save The Music here.


Make checks out to: Save The Music Foundation

Send to:

Save The Music Foundation

P.O. Box 2096

New York, NY 10108-2096

Legal Name*: Save The Music Foundation

Address: 1515 Broadway, 26th Floor, New York, NY 10036-8901

Tax ID: 13-6089816

76% of our spending goes to support music programs.

18% of our budget goes to fundraising costs, primarily development staff compensation and events. 6% goes to cover administrative costs such as legal and accounting.